Toolbox: vim

2 min readMar 21, 2022

Task 1

Task 2

  • How do we enter “INSERT” mode?

A: i

  • How do we start entering text into our new Vim document?

A: typing

  • How do we return to command mode?

A: esc

  • How do we move the cursor left?

A: h

  • How do we move the cursor right?

A: l

  • How do we move the cursor up?

A: k

  • How do we move the cursor down?

A: j

  • How do we jump to the start of a word?

A: w

  • How do we jump to the end of a word?

A: e

  • How do we insert (before the cursor)

A: i

  • How do we insert (at the beginning of the line?)

A: I

  • How do we append (after the cursor)

A: a

  • How do we append (at the end of the line)

A: A

  • How do we make a new line under the current line?

A: o

Task 3

  • How do we write the file, but don’t exit?

A: :w

  • How do we write the file, but don’t exit- as root?

A: :w !sudo tee %

  • How do we write and quit?

A: :wq

  • How do we quit?

A: :q

  • How do we force quit?

A: :q!

  • How do we save and quit, for all active tabs?

A: :wqa

Task 4

  • How do we copy a line?

A: yy

  • how do we copy 2 lines?

A: 2yy

  • How do we copy to the end of the line?

A: y$

  • How do we paste the clipboard contents after the cursor?

A: p

  • How do we paste the clipboard contents before the cursor?

A: P

  • How do we cut a line?

A: dd

  • How do we cut two lines?

A: 2dd

  • How do we cut to the end of the line?

A: D

  • How do we cut a character?

A: x

Task 5

  • How do we search forwards for a pattern (use “pattern” for your answer)

A: /pattern

  • How do we search backwards for a pattern (use “pattern” for your answer)

A: ?pattern

  • How do we repeat this search in the same direction?

A: n

  • How do we repeat this search in the opposite direction?

A: N

  • How do we search for “old” and replace it with “new”

A: :%s/old/new/g

  • How do we use “grep” to search for a pattern in multiple files?

A: :vimgrep




Passionate cybersecurity learner :3 Ya with me?