[ Hack The Box ] Kryptic Ransomware - Writeup

2 min readMar 11, 2022

Europol EC3 is looking for clues that will lead to the arrest and prosecution of the Enigma Team leader. According to the latest intel, the fugitive was tracked spending time in. The evidence extracted by forensic experts include a screenshot of the Kryptic v1.0 malware from a Microsoft Windows XP machine. Europol asked the help of all security researchers and OSINT experts to locate the mastermind behind the latest crypto ransomware. Find the GPS coordinates of the suspect and track them down using the Zeus satellite portal.

Download the zip file and extract it with the password “hackthebox”, we will have a .png screenshot and few more files.

We found a domain “kryptic.icu”, I first tried searching it with Whois but could not find anything interesting :( so I moved on to ICANN and IT WORKED :3

Search the name on Twitter bring me to this account:

This means he might have a Flickr account too

The cat is cute tho

I downloaded the 3rd picture with the original size, and then uploaded it to this link to get the metadata:

Open the index.html in the file we extracted before, paste the GPS Coordinates and click on Locate:

I’m so sleepy now… Learned a lot from this challenge, mostly is how to stay persistent :) Thanks for following me until here :3 Hope it can help you someway




Passionate cybersecurity learner :3 Ya with me?